Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Indie Game Spotlight: Shatter

Alright! Back from my hiatus! I'm gonna be showing you guys Shatter! It's like brick breaker....ON CRACK.

Okay, let's start with the game play!
The game play in this amazing game is SOLID...cwhutididthar?....Well, the game looks like an average brick breaker until you get into the main feature of the game, the advanced control system. So, if you've ever played a brick breaker game before you know what it's like to have that one last brick that just taunts you for minutes on end, well, with Shatter you suck the ball towards you or blow it away allowing you to have control over the ball, letting you pull of some sweet moves. 
The suck and blow thing also affects the brick themselves, too. some bricks float around and can hit your "bat", causing it to flip out for about a second. To combat this you have a shield, with the shield you can either protect yourself from blocks, or fire collected shards. Shards come from the blocks you destroy and give you energy or be fired upon collecting by putting up your shield. Firing the shards on collecting is actually a trick that the game instructions don't tell you, and it's also very useful. Another thing you can do with your energy that you've collected  is you can use a shard storm and fire a stream of shards at blocks to destroy them; this can end a level very fast and is very well worth the trouble.

Next is the presentation

The game has a lot of cool things going on with it.The visuals have a really nice glass effect to everything and it really works along with it's absolutely fantastic soundtrack. The sound effects are also something to mention. The music is a collection of Electrock, and it's BEAUTIFUL. I've been listening to this soundtrack for several days and my top songs are Amethyst caverns, Neon Mines and the Boss theme.

This game is available on PSN, Steam and Onlive for about $8 or $9

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